AEDEBA Sections in Cameroon

Batié District

AEDEBA's Headquarters

The AEDEBA headquarters are located in the Batié district, Highlands Department, Western Province. Most of the important functions of an organization are coordinated here. AEDEBA's Headquarters represents the entity at the top of the organization taking full responsibility for managing all activities.

Highest Authority

The Congress

The Congress is the highest authority of AEDEBA. It brings together all the members or delegates of the different sections. It is held every five years in order to decide on the general policy orientations of AEDEBA, approve the activity report and the financial statement for the past period, elect the National Executive Bureau, if necessary modify the statutes and the RIG of AEDEBA and adopt the budget of the Bureau Directeur and BEN.

Operational Decisions

The Bureau Director Board

The Bureau Director Board (Le Bureau Directeur abbr. BD) is composed of the members of the National Executive Bureau, the presidents and the general secretaries of the sections. It can be expanded to some members when needed. He follows up the resolutions of the congress.

Implementation and Management

The National Executive Bureau

The National Executive Bureau (Le Bureau Exécutif National abbr. BEN) is the implementation and management body of the association at national level. In this capacity, he is responsible for execution the decisions of the Congress, the coordination of the activities of the sections and ensuring compliance with the statutes and general rules of procedure.

The section brings together AEDEBA members residing in a geographical area defined by the congress. They operate according to their rules of procedure elaborated on the basis of the statutes and the RIG of AEDEBA

Special bodies and ad hoc and permanent committees may be created by the congress or the BD for specific tasks. The modalities of creation and functioning of special bodies and commissions are explained in the RIG.

All functions within AEDEBA are voluntary. However, costs incurred with the BE's authorization are borne by the latter.

General Rules of Procedure (RIG) lay down the detailed rules for applying the present statutes.

Amendment of the statutes:

  • The statutes of the AEDEBA may be amended by the Congress in accordance with the RIG.
  • Amendments to the adopted statutes enter into force upon approval by the competent administrative authority. The conditions for modifying and adopting the statutes are specified by the RIG.