What is AEDEBA all about?

What is AEDEBA all about?

The intellectual and economic leaders of Batié decided to work together in order to find the ways and means for a harmonious development of Batié. In accordance with the law n ° 90-53 of December 19th, 1990 relating to the freedom of association, a non-political nonprofit association called "ASSOCIATION OF ELITE FOR THE SUPPORT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BATIE" (french: “ASSOCIATION DES ÉLITES POUR L’APPUI AU DÉVELOPPEMENT DE BATIE” abbreviated "AEADEBA") is created.

Considering the resolution adopted at the Congress of May 26, 2018 setting new directions for its actions, the AEDEBA now deviate the Association of Elites for Development Support Batié (french: “l'Association des Elites pour l’Appui au Développement de Batié ” abbreviated "AEDEBA).


The general objective of AEDEBA is to seek the well-being of its members and all Batié.

The specific objectives of AEDEBA are:

  • Promote mutual assistance (moral and material) among its members;
  • Provide multiform support to the development of the commune of Batié;
  • Design and propose development projects to the local community of Batié;
  • Support the search for financing of the projects contained in the Batié Communal Development Plan;
  • Participate in the socio-cultural life of the Batié group;
  • Contribute to school supervision and socio-professional integration of young people.


AEDEBA strives to achieve it's objectives by:

  • Meetings of its members for debates of ideas,
  • Creation of development frameworks for its members,
  • Investments in Batié or elsewhere,
  • The setting up of a communication support and
  • Collaboration with any association pursuing similar goals.

The methods of collaboration are defined by the General Rules of Procedure (RIG) or by specific texts.


To AEDEBA may join anyone with Batié origin, by marriage or by adoption, having a school level at least equivalent to the Bachelor, exercising an activity generating income and who subscribes to the present statutes and satisfies the conditions of admission defined in the rules of procedure (RIG).

Membership Category:

AEDEBA is composed of three categories of members, namely active members, honorary members and emeritus members.

  • An active member is any natural person who fulfills the conditions of article 5 of these statutes.
  • The category of honorary members and their attributions are defined by the RIG.
  • An emeritus member is any active member no longer having the physical and/or financial capacities allowing him to fulfill his associative burdens, having regularly and continuously campaigned within the AEDEBA for at least 20 years and having solicited and acquired this quality.


The resources of AEDEBA consist of:

  • Contributions from members in accordance with the RIG,
  • Products of its activities and properties,
  • Resources created on an exceptional basis and not prohibited by the laws and regulations,
  • Products related to resource management.